
Introduces concepts of information gathering from primary and secondary sources including (but not exclusive to) library resources, 档案信息, 互联网资源, 公共记录, 和访谈. 还包括将收集到的信息以书面形式呈现的方法, 包括新闻媒体, 研究论文, 为音频写作, video, 以及口头陈述.
基本问题介绍, 方法, and theories that define the communication discipline and professions in advertising, 新闻, 公共关系, 多媒体制作, 组织沟通.
com -210专业口语(3学分)
通讯- 211广告 & 推广策略(3学分)
Focuses on the practical and creative skills necessary for advertising professionals. 学生学习广泛的广告基础知识, 包括品牌定位, 文案和媒体投放. 包括对市场调研的介绍, allowing students to learn how to create advertising that sells based on qualitative and quantitative 研究. How advertising fits into an overall integrative communication plan will be discussed. 前提条件:COMM 130或讲师的许可.
com -221媒体写作(3学分)
Develop basic writing and 研究 skills necessary for creating persuasive tools in print, 广播, 以及网络媒体. Special focus on developing a competency in the mechanics of concise clear writing through appropriate use of Associated Press style. 前提条件:通信130或讲师的许可.
com -240现场活动(3学分)
从运行摄像机到在卡车上拍摄, this course teaches students the necessary skills to be part of a live event 广播, and offers hands-on opportunities to apply those skills in real-world settings. 秋天.
com -251多媒体原理(3学分)
Introduces basic concepts of Web site development, video production, and Photoshop. 前提条件:COMM 130或讲师的许可.
com -312媒体设计与布局(3学分)
强调创意策略, 创意, 消息的创建, 设计, 以及各种媒体环境下的计算机辅助布局.
com -314综合传播活动(3学分)
详细介绍沟通策略的建立, 以及使用基于研究的目标来执行和评估结果. Students create and carry out an integrated communication campaign for a real-world client. Course offers an opportunity for students to integrate prior learning and problem-solving for a comprehensive campaign plan which incorporates traditional and new media platforms. 前提条件:COMM 211.
本课程涵盖体育产业内的关系管理, 包括赞助(背书和许可). 学生将获得研究和市场细分的技能, 营销组合考虑, 门票销售和特别活动. 先决条件:COMM 130, 221和231.
com -332高级写作和编辑(3学分)
深入指导和批评学生为客户创造的工作. 各种形式的新闻采集, 研究, 报告, 而面试时就会出现写, 编辑和发布专题文章和创建, 编辑和制作播客. 前提条件:COMM-120和COMM-221
概述编辑的技巧和用途. Emphasizes the practice of copyediting and headline-writing skills for print and online publications. 发展的技能包括紧凑的写作, 加强领导, 标题的写作, 标题的写作, 以及布局的基本知识. 前提条件:COMM 231.
This writing-intensive course helps students gain skills in sports 新闻 through various story forms, 包括报纸, 杂志和社交媒体. Students will explore human-interest stories with social significance and gain understanding of the role of sports in society. 前提条件:COMM 130、221和231.
com -340扩声与录音(3学分)
Focuses on the equipment and strategies used to optimize sound both within the space and via recording of live events, 包括(但不限于)音乐和戏剧表演, 演辞及简报, 以及公司会议和活动. 预要求:COMM 240:现场活动,或讲师的许可
com -345视频制作(3学分)
The focus of this class will be on understanding the key principles and characteristics of video production - from concepts to the final edit. 前提条件:COMM 251. 秋天.
com -355多媒体声音(3学分)
Emphasizes the equipment and requirements for sound mixing and 设计 in video, 包括现场录音, 后期制作混合, 以及所需福利的识别和创造, 声音效果, 和音乐元素创造一个专业的视频演示.先决条件COMM 251.
Examines the communication process of individuals from different cultures or subcultures. Explores possible sources of misunderstandings in intercultural communication (e.g., 时间/空间因素, 语言和非语言因素, 种族优越感的沟通, communication problems of persons engaged in personal or professional intercultural contacts).
com -381关系管理(3学分)
Critical examination of 研究 and theories dealing with selected variables in one-to-one relationships. 探索发展, 维护, 以及工作和个人关系的恶化阶段. 前提条件:COMM 130或讲师的许可.
Theoretical foundations and practical skills for examining and applying communication principles in groups. 调查诸如凝聚力之类的概念, 领导, 群体思维, 异常, 网络, 选择的转变, 以及头脑风暴,因为它们与沟通有关. 前提条件:COMM 130或讲师的许可.
检查导致冲突的因素, 以及运用沟通策略解决冲突的理论与实践. 前提条件:COMM 130或讲师的许可.
com -390实习(1-3学分)
Supervised practical experience in student media or other university information outlets. 可以重复三小时的学分吗. 不超过六个小时的总学分给予COMM 390和395的总和.
com -391专业发展(1学分)
Supervised practical experience in student media or other university information outlets. 可以重复三小时的学分吗. 不超过六个小时的总学分给予COMM 390和395的总和.
com -395实习(1-3学分)
Supervised practical experience in an off-campus mass communication-related organization. 应用程序要求. 可以重复三小时的学分吗. Prerequisites: one course from COMM 211, 221, 231, 251, 341; GPA of 2.50 or better; 36 hours of completed academic credit.
Provides students the opportunity to learn how communication in different contexts (interpersonal, 组织, 介导的, 等.) can be utilized effectively to promote physical, mental and social well-being. 上下文包括提供者与患者之间的沟通, 医疗机构中的沟通, risk communication and new media technologies related to health communication.
大众传媒领域的理论与研究概论. Examines the role of mass media in modern society and the influence of media institutions and messages on individuals, 社区, 和社会. 包括与媒体研究相关的基本研究方法的概述. Students integrate theoretical knowledge into media 研究 areas relevant to communication professionals today. 前提条件:初级或高级职位.
Examines the rights, responsibilities, and constraints on public communication in the United States. Emphasis on the effects and interaction of differing ethical constructs and First Amendment theories and sources of constraints on the mass media. 涵盖影响广告的监管政策, 公共关系, 新闻, 以及现在和未来的电子大众媒介. 也检查诽谤的法律领域, 隐私, 淫秽, 获取和拥有信息, 媒体机构. 前提条件:初级或高级职位.
The focus of this class will be to help students identify and understand the key elements that define and influence media systems around the world. 这些将包括媒体系统的特定哲学, 国家与媒体的关系, 媒体的资金来源是什么, 媒体的可及性, 以及文化对媒体受众的影响. Specific attention will be given to the process of media globalization and how media imports and exports influence various media systems. Students will have the opportunity to analyze specific media systems through comparative analysis allowing them to not only have a broader understanding of the variety of media systems around the world, but also to develop a greater appreciation for the factors that influence the development of the media system of the United States.
不包括在常规课程提供的各种定期感兴趣的主题. 可以重复. 前提条件:高级地位和讲师的许可.
在教师的指导下完成个人课程. Topic and credit hours must be approved in advance in accordance with University policy. 可以重复两次,最多六个小时的学分.